1. Name the three brightest stars in the sky.
  2. What are the two basic types of optical telescope?
  3. What is the speed of light?
  4. Most of the asteroids are located between what two planets?
  5. What planet has a density less than water?
  6. Name two solar system objects that have volcanoes.
  7. What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite?
  8. Comets usually travel in . . . . . orbits.
  9. What planet is perpetually covered by cloud?
  10. What planet looks 'red' when seen from Earth?
  11. What planet has the largest volcano?
  12. Name the 'Earth-like' planets.
  13. On which planet would you weigh the most?
  14. Name two lunar craters.
  15. How far is the Earth from the Sun?
  16. What planet has the shortest day?
  17. Name the 'Jupiter-like' or gas giant planets.
  18. Name the two moons of Mars.
  19. What planet is known as the evening star?
  20. What planet is famous for its dust storms?
  21. Name one comet.
  22. Of what is the Sun mostly composed?
  23. How long does it take for the Sun's light to reach Earth?
  24. What is the nearest star?
  25. What is a light year?
  26. The darker areas on the Moon's surface are called . . . . .
  27. What is the closest planet to the Sun?
  28. How far away is the nearest star?
  29. Name the planet which has many rings around it.
  30. What is the largest planet in the solar system?
  31. What planet is usually furthest from the Sun?
  32. What planet has the greatest density?
  33. What is the brightest star is the constellation Scorpius?
  34. Callisto and Ganymede are both satellites of what planet?
  35. Name the largest moon around Pluto.
  36. What is the brightest star in Lyra?
  37. Name 3 constellations.
  38. What is the common name for the Pleiades?
  39. In what constellation is the star Arcturus?
  40. What star can never be seen from Australia?
Write out your answers to the above questions and then check them against those in the file answers. If you don't immediately know the answer to a question then research it before you check the 'answers' file - you will learn more this way. In quantitative questions it is more important to have an idea of the approximate value, rather than to be able to quote it to many significant figures. Some questions may have a number of correct answers.

ASAAustralian Space Academy