Travelling through the space environment "Where there is no vision, the people perish". But sometimes we need to step back from what we are doing to see that vision. We oft times become too inured to our daily work that we cannot see the goals ahead - we lose the vision. There are many reasons. Sidetracks, diversions, failures and fatigue. We need to then step outside our routine, away from discouragements and rejuvenate out thoughts to the future.

We may need to seek the helop of others to inspire us, and to rekindle the fire of our imagination into new productive insights. Words may be vocal or written. The genre termed science fiction can often be a valuable source of exploration - allowing us to drift into realms where the ties to pre-existing paradigms may be well and truly cast adrift.

Visions of space weather have been explored by a number of authors, but none is so deserving of mention as is Arthur C Clarke. Some of his stories, and those of others are listed below as examples. Examples which may serve to stimulate you into future visions.

Where is the best place to observe the Sun? Try the planet Mercury in Out of the Sun, and be prepared for the observation of a lifetime.

How long can an unprotected human survive the space environment? Make an estimate and then try A Breath of Fresh Vacuum.

What about sailing through space? More spectacular than the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, ... but ... Wind from the Sun shows the perils of space weather can be just as life threatening as those on the ocean deep.

Worried about the pollution of interplanetary space by debris from man's past? ISLANDS IN THE SKY foresaw this an many other issues in 1954!

The cataclysmic release of energy in a supernova will change a benign space environment into a cosmic cauldron several hundred light-years in diameter. The Star may bring more than a tear to the eye.

Illumination Project Spaceguard had its origin in the first chapter of RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA. How do we deal with a small asteroid on a collision course with Earth? Try THE HAMMER OF GOD.

Of course many other authors have also based stories around the space environment.

"Unprecedented solar flares bombard Earth. The planet's magnetic field vanishes. Radiation strikes deep, computers go crazy, radio blackout wrecks world communication. But the nightmare has only begun. Try ICEQUAKE by Crawford Kilian for the polar consequences.

Note: Titles in lower case signify short stories, upper case signifies novels.