"Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids"
Editor - Tom Gehrels
Editorial assitance by MS Matthews and AM Schumann
With 120 collaborating authors
Published by The University of Arizona Press
Tuscon & London 1994
xiii + 1300 pages

Book cover

The massive volume, the 24th book in the UoA Space Science Series, "documents the beginning of a new discipline", and is based on four early workshops held to discuss and explore the cosmic impact hazard.

These four workshops were held at San Juan Capistrano in April/May 1991, Los Alamos in January 1992, Tuscon in January 1993 and Eric in May 1993. Gehrels also notes that there was an even earlier meeting at Aspen, Colorado in 1981.

The book is divided into seven parts:

Part I - Small Bodies
Part II - Searches, Orbit Determination, and Prediction
Part III - NEO Populations and Impact Flux
Part IV - Physical Properties
Part V - Space Exploration
Part VI - Effects of NEO Impact
Part VII - Hazard Mitigation

To these parts are added a very comprehensive glossary and index.

This work is a very comprehensive technical introduction to the cosmic impact hazard. A necessary reference for anyone seriously in the field.