"Impact! - The Threat of Comets and Asteroids"
by Gerrit L Verschuur
published by Oxford University Press, New York 1996
xii + 237 pages

Book cover

A non-technical book about the cosmic impact hazard by a radio astronomer and populariser of astronomy.

Eighteen chapters:

1 The Killer Strikes
2 The Sage of the Chicxulub Crater
3 Solar System Debris
4 Something about Comets
5 The Birth of the Earth
6 The Nineteenth-Century Perspective
7 Twentieth-Century Rumblings
8 Comet Impacts in History
9 On the Edge of Extinctionv
10 Reconstructing the Crime
11 Death Star or Coherent Catastrophism
12 Craters and Tsunamis
13 Offering Odds on Impact
14 The Great Comet Crash of 1994
15 The Aftermath
16 The Search
17 Dodging the Asteroids?
18 Our Place in Space

These chapters are followed by a short bibliography and both a name and a subject index.